Friday, January 20, 2012

Other January News

Ruby gets a haircut!  Which basically means the lady spent 2 hours flat ironing her hair with the most industrial size iron I have ever seen!  She had such a rough time, the lady was not very gentle.  And even though she HATES to cry in public, silent tears were running down her cheeks.  It was so sad.

But she persevered, and as soon as she took one look in the mirror...all of the agony was forgotten!  She had straight hair!!  Oh the joy she had for the next 2 plus weeks (we drug it out as long as possible).  It lasted so long that she started to question whether her curly hair would come back when we did get it wet.  But alas, her beautiful curly locks did come back.

Dentist cavities yay!!

And Sonic did an airplane project for science that was picked by his classmates as one of the best in his grade!

Go Sonic!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, the haircut breaks my heart!! She's so beautiful, just the way she is, but I understand where she's coming from, wanting straight hair. I hope it gets easier for her!
