Saturday, October 29, 2011

Squish Turns Three!

Oh my cute little Squishy!!  I can't believe you are three already, where did that time go?
I love your absolutely hilarious personality and crazy self!  You make our home a riot to live in  and it is so fun to see what you will come up with next!  I am so glad you were born!

So...of course we went to celebrate at Classic Fun Center!
In their costumes, no less.

Then on his birthday a good friend had a SUPER DUPER AMAZING Halloween party the likes my kids have never before seen, and Laura the hostess even had a special cupcake just for Squish. 
So we sang to him.

The family of supers.

On Sunday we had his family birthday party and he LOVED the cake his aunt came up with!

He was thrilled beyond words to open his presents! He had, after all, waited (rather impatiently) for everyone in the family to have a birthday before him, so he was sooo eager for it to be his turn to finally open presents!

1 comment:

  1. He's such a cutie in his super hero outfit and with all his hair! And that cake my mom made is so cool! I never saw pictures so I'm glad you posted about it!
